Preschool… One year down, One to go!

I was never an emotional girl, until I had kiddos


We have officially completed our first year of preschool! And I totally needed the kleenex box to wipe away my tears! I was never an emotional girl, until I had kids. Now I’m a big baby and cry at almost very milestone. They’re happy tears of course because I’m so proud of my kiddos. Have you ever heard that song “Emotional Girl” by Terri Clark??? It pretty much sums me up, now as a Mother. lol. Especially the chorus which goes

“I’m an emotional girl, I can’t help myself
Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry
Sometimes I do both and I don’t know why
I got a passionate heart and that’s just the way things”


Yup that’s me these days. So I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t any sad tears mixed in with those happy tears. Sad because they’re growing up so fast and I know with each milestone it’s time that we won’t get back. And can we just talk about happy tears for a second, I never knew they actually existed. I thought when you cry it’s  because your sad or hurt but who actually cries because they’re happy?! I sure didnt, I smiled, laughed, giggled, jumped up and down, but cry?? Nah, not when I was happy! Now here I am the crazy lady who cries “happy” tears.


DENIM JACKET: Old Navy | DRESS: Old Navy | SHOES: Old Navy

Sometimes when I think about it to long I get sad because they’re growing up so fast and I know with each milestone it’s time that we won’t get back. I’m also happy to see them learn and experience new things so its really just a huge emotional up and down roller coaster I have going on. Any Mama’s in the same boat?  I just want them to stay this age forever and never get any older, thats perfectly reasonable right?! But at the same time I want to see the next big milestones they will go through.  I honestly have never felt love like the love I have for my babies. I know everyone says that but it is soooo true. If you’re not a parent yet, let me tell you… you are in for a whole new love soon. And it’s the best thing in the world.


Now, back to Preschool!


Now, back to Preschool! It was so fun to have a front row seat to watch my daughter grow and learn. They seriously change and learn so much even in the first two weeks of preschool. We went to a co-op preschool 4 days a week, which means you have one day a week that you, as the parent, work in the classroom,  once a month you have a nightly meeting and plan the months activities that you are responsible for leading on your workday, and once a month you also attend a field trip with your preschooler. Does that sound like a lot??? Well, it really is. Especially when you have a younger one and your own work commitments. But I wouldn’t change it for anything. It was such a great experience to be able to be hands on in the classroom and see my daughter learn new things each day and every day. I also felt so much more comfortable leaving her when I knew what was going on and all the Mama’s who would be there watching after her as well.


CAP & GOWN: Grad Days | DRESS: Old Navy | SHOES: Old NavyEARRINGS: Nordstrom

Riley absolutely loved preschool and her teacher! I’m sure everyone says their child’s preschool teacher was the best… but they are lying to you because Riley’s preschool teacher was hands down the BEST! I highly recommend sending your kiddo to a Preschool if you are able to. Riley learned to write letters, identify letters out of sequence, as well as numbers, write her name, and categorize by color and number.  She also has learned to communicate and play well with her friends. All these things she was familiar with before starting preschool but being in preschool has really developed these skills. There are so many Preschools to choose from but if you have the opportunity and time to do co-op Preschool, I would definitely recommend you do. These are the years you won’t get back, one day you won’t be able to hang out all day with them at school. Plus the most exciting to see them learn and experience everything new for the first time.

Now with one year down we are ready to take the summer off, not have anywhere we have to be, and just relax. I honestly can’t wait to just enjoy my babes. It gets really busy with going to school 4 days a week and I have missed my mornings with having both the kiddos all to myself, to snuggle and watch morning cartoons. For some reason mornings are my absolute favorite with them. It could be because they are in the best mood and hardly fight in the AM lol.


Shop items from Riley’s outfits here:



  • Reply
    Talha Ishaq 6 years ago

    Your daughter is so adorable. And congratulations!

  • Reply
    Daisy 6 years ago

    Aww what a little sweetie you have!!! It’s so fun as a mama taking these journeys with our kiddos as they start the next phases of their lives 🙂

  • Reply
    Luci Cook 6 years ago

    That is a great achievement to graduate Preschool. Your daughter is adorable.

  • Reply
    Indrani 6 years ago

    I can relate to that emotional feeling.
    Adorable kid you have! God bless!

  • Reply
    vidyatiru 6 years ago

    my little girl just finished 6th grade and my son is moving on to 10th grade but i recall the preschool days too ) totally adorable photos of totally adorable cutie

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